Shop the products that Eileen's chooses again and again for her clients and for herself!
This is Eileen's private selection of products formulated to her specifications. Designed to address your common skincare concerns with your skin's health and beauty in mind.
Check out this week's specials - chosen to help you look your best while saving money!
These products are recognized as the best of the best.
Triple Lipid Restore 2:4:2 is an anti-aging cream that contains the optimal and patented lipid ratio of 2% pure ceramides 1 and 3, 4% natural cholesterol, and 2% fatty acids, which is proven to nourish skin and correct signs of aging. This unique lipid correction cream contains the first 2:4:2 cholesterol-dominant ratio to help restore skin's external barrier and support natural self-repair, while potently nourishing aging skin for improvement in the visible appearance of skin smoothness, laxity, pores, and overall radiance.